Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Last Week of Break

So yesterday (Monday) marked the first day of my last week on break. To be quite honest, it's a good thing. I don't know what to do with myself during a break that lasts a month and a half!

I woke up rather early to help Carrie off to the train station. We decided it best to take the direct bus instead of transferring on the metro. It worked out a lot better than I anticipated. I made sure she was all set on her train to Grenoble before heading home. On the bus, I suddenly woke up near my stop. Yep. I've turned into THAT guy, the one who feels comfortable enough on public transportation to sleep and automatically wakes up before the right stop. Cool.

Of course I took a nap without setting my alarm, so I really just set myself up for a night without sleep. It was ok though, I took care of some things and watched a French movie. After that I continued my Sherlock Holmes addiction and watched the BBC series "Sherlock." I definitely recommend it to any Sherlock Holmes fans..

I woke up this morning (by morning I mean afternoon of course), grabbed a quick jambon-crudite' sandwich, and babysat the children. Nothing too exciting today. Afterwards I met up with some friends to say goodbye to Joan who is leaving Paris this semester to continue her studies in China! Before heading home on the last metro, Dunc and I had to grab a quick bite to eat: a crepe and a panini, respectively!

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