Friday, January 28, 2011


I walked out into the middle of the nearby park, and I was completely surprised to see my cousin Alyssa and Aunt Laura standing there! They had planned a last minute surprise visit, which was fine because I had already asked my host grand-parents if I could have some family stay with me. After out salutations, we went back to my home to get all situated. I started freaking out because my dad, sister, and many other members of his side of the family were already in the apartment, completely at home. I had no idea how I was going to explain everyone's presence to the host-parentals..

And then I woke up.

I spent the afternoon doing, well, nothing. And then I discovered a fantastic note left by Madame Borione: 
"Cher Nicolas,
Je suis désolée mais nous dinerons pas à la maison ce soir (anniversaire!). Prend ce que tu veux dans le frigidaire ou le congélateur.
Bonne journée !"
 ‎"Dear Nick, I am sorry but we will not be having dinner at the house (birthday!). Take what you want from the fridge or freezer. Have a good day!"
These are of course very dangerous words to speak to an American. I made myself a nice steak with a side of frozen French fries. I went over to Aaron's little shack and Dunc and his housemate Blake eventually showed up. We went out to this cool bar called "4 elements." Each room was dedicated to either earth, wind, fire, or water (the bathroom). Though I'm not sure we'll be seeing much more of the roommate, the "Big Three" had a good night on the town.

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