The weekend ended nicely with a dinner at Jack's(Ireland). It was one of Charlie's (England) last nights, so everyone brought something to pass while they made chicken fajitas. It was delicious; I've had a craving for Tex-Mex! I went with Alex (Canada) and Harlem (Peru). Brian and Matthew (Ireland) met up with us to. It's awesome that we're from all over the world like this-and good friends too. It's also weird to think that I didn't know any of these people before arriving in Paris and now we're so familiar. The fajitas were so good that I bought the ingredients to make for the kids' dinner tonight.
So since I was basically in the Central timezone, I tried to get to sleep Sunday night around midnight. It worked, but I woke up halfway through my slumber. I eventually fell back asleep. My first class, Political Economy of the Media, is taught by an American who gets really excited about the course material, in a good way. The course will be pretty casual and I had a few good laughs. My next course, les risques sanitaires (sanitary risks), is going to be a bit dry, but it talks about new environmental problems and how to combat them. My final class of the day is L'information, c'est la guerre (info, it's the war, loosely translated)/ It deals with the media and who controls information. It's reaaaaly dry and I'm thinking of dropping it since I have the option. Yesterday, I had a French language course, no big deal, followed by Media Relations in the Business World. Another American teacher. score. He opened with a Canadian joke. Today's only class was interesting: Theories of International Relations. I think I'll get a lot out of this course; it seems well structured!
Well off to babysit. Things got a little complicated. The oldest isn't working very hard and school and is spending too much time on the computer and playing games when he tells me he's doing homework. Time to get down to business! (and fajitas)
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